Friday, October 15, 2010

Halloween Party at the Zoo!

From most of my posts this summer it looks like we really got our money's worth from our Zoo membership! This was the last weekend that the Halloween party is free for members so my friend, Betsy, and I took our kiddos yesterday. We had so much fun!

Here I am, still pregnant!, trying to tell Georgia to say Trick-or-Treat, and then thank you. She sort of got it. Noah just watched from the stroller. I didn't have the energy to keep up with him on the loose. If I had it to do over I think I would have gotten a harness for him so he could have gotten down more.

This is the attempt of a good group photo of all our kids together. Betsy's kids are normal and look at the camera. Mine do not...
This is me overcorrecting, trying to get Noah to look over by going further to his right. All that happened was that the other three looked over at me instead of Betsy with the camera...

Noah loved the pumpkin...literally...

All eight cuties looking at the same time! Success!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

He Finally Got In!

After many trips to the splash park at the Zoo, Noah finally decided to get in. The first visit it took Georgia a while to be convinced it would be a good time and Noah wanted nothing to do with it. He didn't even want out of the stroller. The next few times I would try to put his little feet in the water but he still didn't want to. Then I just let him loose and he liked looking around but still not ready. Yesterday he went in on his own! Such a big boy! Georgia was playing everywhere so no photos of her this time!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Krispy Kreme

Yes, they have opened a new Krispy Kreme less than a mile from my house yesterday. We had to go welcome them to the neighborhood!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Another Boy!

Well, it looks like come October the Nuss household will be a bit boy heavy with the addition of Silas Miller Nuss! So excited to have another boy!

The ultrasound showed a healthy baby and a healthy mama! Praise the Lord!

Friday, May 21, 2010

My baby boy is a year old!

Yesterday was my little Noah's first birthday. Today we just spent most of the day at home (except for visiting Chad at Macaroni Grill!) because we celebrated with family last Sunday. Here are a few highlights from his actual "birthday" last year and the celebration of his first year last week!

Here we are at my shower just over a year ago! With Georgia getting ready to meet her brother! On our way home for the first time as a family of 4!

Proud Mama.

Georgia meeting Noah for the first time.

Proud Papa and Mamaw. (Nana was the photographer, again camera issues, we forgot ours and so my dad got us a disposable in the goft shop).

Now for this year!
Noah LOVED his cake. He dug right in and ate over half then cried when I took the rest away!

(sorry for the poor exposure, the Nuss family has camera issues. We forgot ours so we borrowed my dad's which was low on battery so this was the best I could do!)

He didn't really get the whole "opening presents" thing so I did most of the opening and he did most of the playing!

Here is my attempt at making him open some gifts...

Here is Uncle David helping Noah play with his new Buzz Lightyear vehicle from Nana. Sad to say he hasn't gotten a ton of playing time on it at home due to the competition from his big sister!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Day of Firsts

This is the "after" shot by my neighbor. So handsome! Can't believe he is almost a year old!

He had had enough by the end of the haircut.

Haircut? What haircut? Mmmmmmm sucker.....

So today our sweet neighbor agreed to take photos of my kiddos at my parents' house. She is a brave woman. Noah will be a year old in a few weeks so I wanted to get some photos made and I am not brave enough to take them to a studio. We got a couple of teasers of Noah that turned out great but if any of the 4 of us turned out any good then she is a miracle worker! I will keep you all posted. Since these are the most formal photos we are going to have done I wanted to get him a MUCH needed first haircut. I took him to the Great Clips down the street and they did a great job. First haircuts are free (bonus for my day!), they get a little certificate with their hair clippings taped inside and to keep them happy and still they gave him a sucker (his first!). I don't need to tell you all that he LOVED it! He did a great job; only cried at the end. What a handsome boy!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter this year. Georgia was so excited about hunting for Easter Eggs, coloring Eggs and the Easter Bunny (who she calls the Easter Rabbit). Here are some of the highlights...sorry about the crummy camera!

On Saturday we went to an Easter egg hunt at my sister's church.

Hunting eggs with Aunt Rhonda

Noah trying to get in on the action...maybe next year.

Georgia with her Uncle David and Aunt Rhonda looking for any forgotten eggs...

Here is Georgia opening her Easter basket on Easter afternoon after church.

At my parents house we hid eggs for the kids. My oldest nephew was in Florida with a friend's family for Spring Break. We really missed him but are so glad he was able to go.
I made Ben work for his this year. Each egg had a clue to where his next egg was hidden. The last clue led him to his Easter basket.

We just scattered eggs around for Georgia to find.

My mom gave Noah a bottle during the egg hunts.

Then today we colored eggs. We just ran out of time yesterday.

Georgia was so excited. She is still a bit too young but we went for it anyway. She totally didn't understand that the eggs would crack if you bang them together or drop them. Good thing you use hard boiled eggs!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Baby Nuss #3!

Well, it is official. We will be welcoming Baby Nuss #3 on or aound October 23, 2010. My dad's birthday is the 24th and mine is the 18th so October should be a fun month!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Snow Babies

Today was a snow day! Seminary cancelled classes and Chad was off work so we played in the snow!

Noah was having so much fun bouncing that most of the photos I took we was just a blur!

As you can see, Chad wanted to make a snowman so big that he used a storage bin to transport the snow from the driveway to the yard....Canadians.

Then, Noah took a face plant into the snow and it was time to go in!