Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter this year. Georgia was so excited about hunting for Easter Eggs, coloring Eggs and the Easter Bunny (who she calls the Easter Rabbit). Here are some of the highlights...sorry about the crummy camera!

On Saturday we went to an Easter egg hunt at my sister's church.

Hunting eggs with Aunt Rhonda

Noah trying to get in on the action...maybe next year.

Georgia with her Uncle David and Aunt Rhonda looking for any forgotten eggs...

Here is Georgia opening her Easter basket on Easter afternoon after church.

At my parents house we hid eggs for the kids. My oldest nephew was in Florida with a friend's family for Spring Break. We really missed him but are so glad he was able to go.
I made Ben work for his this year. Each egg had a clue to where his next egg was hidden. The last clue led him to his Easter basket.

We just scattered eggs around for Georgia to find.

My mom gave Noah a bottle during the egg hunts.

Then today we colored eggs. We just ran out of time yesterday.

Georgia was so excited. She is still a bit too young but we went for it anyway. She totally didn't understand that the eggs would crack if you bang them together or drop them. Good thing you use hard boiled eggs!