Sunday, June 28, 2009

Catch Up...

The Nuss house has been pretty busy lately. We decided to rearrange the house so it has been upside down lately! I will post photos once we get things done. I meant to take "before" photos but couldn't pull off getting the house clean enough to get pics I would post! So, they will just be "after" photos. Here are a few highlights from the last few weeks...(in no particular order)

I had to take Noah to his 1 month doctor's appointment by myself last week so this is the only photo I have of him there but at least I got one! He is super healthy and growing like a weed! 9 lbs 3.5 oz, 21 inches tall both in the 25%. Hopefully he will catch up to his sister!
I love this one because Noah's eyes are open and he is just hanging out!

Georgia enjoyed an ice cream cone on Fathers day

My sweet husband on Father's Day

My dad and my kids on Father's Day. My sister and her fam were coming back from vacation that day so we'll do a belated celebration with them and probably add in my mom's birthday that we never celebrated from February, Chad's birthday and my sister's birthday. Whew, summer is busy! I guess everything is busy with kids!

My parents with my kiddos on Father's Day

Noah is getting so big!

My sister in law, Megan, graduated from Oldham County High School. This is her, Chad and my brother in law, Shawn.
Megan and Chad

Megan and Chad's mom

Grandma and Grandpa Bailey

The Graduate

Woo Hoo! I did not make it to the ceremony. I was too afraid to take a 21 month old and a 3 week old to a 2 hour ceremony so I just met everyone at the house for the party. These photos are complimentary from Chad.

These are of Noah at one month. I am a big slacker already and didn't do official one month photos but these were of him that day. Maybe I will cheat and take some this week and put the sign in anyway. I think I did that for Georgia's a couple of times!

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