Last night she didn't eat much of her dinner so I left it on the table in case she wanted to go back to it and this is what I spied her doing. Sorry the photos are backward...I can never seem to get them to post in the order I want.
Here she is after trying to balance the plate to feed her babies her leftover dinner. I had a feeling that might happen but really wanted to get a photo before she realized I was there!
Here she is feeding her babies her broccoli. She also had them buckled in as best she could so they could be "safe" as we tell her when we strap her in. She was also telling them "bottom" meaning "sit on your bottom" which she hears from us all day everyday.
We also got an Elmo video from Netflix. She LOVES Elmo from books and toys but had never seen Sesame Street. Until now she hasn't really cared much for TV but when I put this on she was in love. She asks for it all the time now. It is nice when I need to do something but I need to figure out how to limit it!