Friday, September 18, 2009

More catching up to do...

We have been pretty busy in the Nuss household lately and I just haven't seemed to be able to pull off uploading photos to our blog. I will try to do better...

Noah is getting stronger and more handsome all the time!

Georgia and I made play doh. She loved teh rolling pin and cookie cutters. She could take or leave the play doh. She didn't really like it until I rolled it into little balls. I guess she is still a bit too young but I'll keep trying. Next time I make it I will try to remember to do that cool thing where you take a photo of all the ingredients and each step of the process. It is so easy to make!

We were able to go to the KY state fair when it was in town. Here are some highlights..

Georgia was sacked out by the time we made it to the midway.

This was a motorized puppy that drove around by remote control. The sheriff who operated it stood a bit away from the car and spoke into a headset so it sounded like the puppy was talking...and he would say things about the kids and to the kids so it was like he was real. Georgia LOVED him. I do believe she would have followed him all over the fair for the rest of the evening if we had let her.

She loved everything this year. She loved all the exhibits, she liked the animals (not as much as I thought she would though). We had so much fun!

I got Georgia some sidewalk chalks last year when we repaved the driveway but we didn't get them out until a few weeks ago. She loved them!

Freshly shampooed Noah...has a few curls!

This past weekend I was in my friend and college roomie's wedding.

Sara and Brian VonAllmen

Sara and Olivia

Beautiful Bride

Sara and Me

Feel free to check out my Facebook for even more photos!

1 comment:

Christi said...

My goodness! Your "little" ones are growing so fast! It's hard to belive, isn't it? They're beautiful!