Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Baby Bump

Well, my baby was playing with her friend (and future husband), Jacob Fredrick, last Thursday at the Seminary and had a pretty big bump...right below the eye. They were running and laughing but the desks in the classroom were right about at her eye level and she ran into one. She was a little shook up at first but then wanted to get down and play again. What really made her mad was that I tried to put ice on it. I gave up after about 30 seconds so it has been looking worse everyday! Here is the progression...

The night it happened...

A few nights later...

The night before last....it looks pretty much the same now. Poor girl!

Oh, and here is my baby bump at 30 weeks!

Even though I am smaller than I was with Georgia at this point and I haven't gained much I still failed my blood glucose tests so pray for me...I have to start checking my blood sugar levels 4 times a day and go on a very strict diet!


Jeremy & Betsy said...

I did not know that Georgia ran into a desk last week! Jacob smacked is stitches last night with a toy rake and broke the stitches open...another week of band-aids I guess.

Where did that belly come from? You were barely showing a few weeks ago. You are getting all kinds of issues with this pregnancy...at least there is no throwing up!

Christi said...

That's a shiner to be proud of!! :) You look great, by the way. Sorry about the extra stress of the diet and sugar stuff! I don't know about you, but I'm ready for this pregnancy to be over! We get Piper in 13 days; I'm going to be induced as long as she stays put until then!

The Fitzgerald's said...

OMG i think I would have died had that happened to MGF. this past sunday they came and got me out of sunday school and told me MGF had been bitten. I instantly started crying.

MJ said...

Oh I'm so sorry you have to do those tests. I know how much you didn't want to do that! Ugg.

But, when you do it, think, "It's to keep my baby safe!"

You sure have a baby belly now! :-)

With Grace (my second) I popped out like a jack-in-the-box. By 12 weeks people were actually asking me if I was expecting! That's not even decent!

I was huge! Everyone thought I was having twins!

Oh well, it's from your body knowing what it's doing this time.

It's going to get bigger before it's over, but on the other hand, that's great because Georgia will become so interested in it.

Get some great video of her talking and singing to "the baby" through your tummy. I love those pictures of Thomas.